joan danoff, instructor


Joan Danoff

After culminating a full and fulfilling career as a Washington, DC restaurant owner in the Palisades neighborhood, Joan was lucky enough to return her first love – creating art. Her art of choice is jewelry fabrication.  Sterling silver and copper enamel are her preferred materials.

Joan credits Silverworks Studio to starting her off on her creative journey as she was one of Blair’s first students! After taking mostly all of the metalsmithing classes offered at Silverworks studio, Joan took an enameling class and discovered her love of incorporating color into her designs.

In her quest for knowledge, Joan has taken many classes offered by the Enamelist’s Society, Pocosin Arts, and at the Carpenter Art Center adjacent to the Thompson Enamel Factory where all the enamel for the US is manufactured.  Joan also served as a member of the Enamelist’s Gallery at the Torpedo Factory in Alexandria, Virginia.

Joan Danoff